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fade in fade out sequence with timeLineMax

vdheyning test
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Hi there!

Thank you for always helping out.


I have a bunch of movieclips that need to fade in, stay in long enough for someone to read them, (they are fading out a bit to fast now) and then fade out again. And then the next movieclip fades in. I played with it with timeLine Max but it's not quite working right, eventually the fade-outs catch up with the fade-ins!


I know I could just copy and paste the sequence 25 times, and it would have been much faster than trying to figure it out how to do it properly, but then I would never learn...


here's the fla attached, there are 25 movieclips in total, I figure I am going to have to create a variable to get the correct delay for the fade-out sequence to start, but it seems to be beyond me, I hope you can help,



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Yep, the problem just had to do with the stagger value you plugged into the TweenMax.allTo(). You had the fade ins occurring every 4 seconds, but the fade outs happening every 6 seconds. Also, I think it'd be easier to use insertMultiple() for both calls instead of appendMultiple() for the second one because it allows you to specify an exact insertion point instead of being relative to the end of the timeline. Here's what I think you were looking for:


var clips:Array = [copy1, copy2, copy2b, copy3, copy4];
timeline.insertMultiple( TweenMax.allTo(clips, 2, {autoAlpha:1, y:44}, 4), 0);
timeline.insertMultiple( TweenMax.allTo(clips, 1, {autoAlpha:0, y:-10}, 4), 4.3);


Notice the insertion point for the fade outs is at 4.3 seconds, so it'll overlap slightly with the fade ins.

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