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Add/Remove Movie

alflasy test
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Is it possible to add or remove movie on timeline in Timelinelite/max. So that when I scrub the slider then a movie is added in timeline at some duration and its removed when scrubber is at the same duration?


Also, Is it possible show a dynamic typing text effect with reverse effect with Timelinelite/Max?


If yes, then please give some hint how to do that.


Thank you

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Is it possible to add or remove movie on timeline in Timelinelite/max. So that when I scrub the slider then a movie is added in timeline at some duration and its removed when scrubber is at the same duration?


I would recommend using the "visible" special property (plugin) instead because it will perform better. Technically you could use an onStart to addChild() and onComplete to removeChild(), but that is NOT optimal because it doesn't smoothly handle the scenario where you reverse() after having completed the tween. Again, the "visible" plugin should give you the general effect of what you're after unless I misunderstand your objective.


Also, Is it possible show a dynamic typing text effect with reverse effect with Timelinelite/Max?


Sure. You could tween a value and use an onUpdate to alter the "text" property of your TextField.

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Thank you Greensock for your reply. I got the first part but not sure about the Type text effect. I planning to start a Instructional flash demo in which has user interactivity with dynamic type text effect and also need a scrubber that user can go front and back just like Captivate. i have been doing this on timeline animation which is painful and when I saw you timelineLite and timelineMax, I was very excited to use in my next project. But its rising lot of question when everything is dynamic.

I'll attached a fla soon which I am using as dynamic text type effect and if possible you tell if that can be added to timelineLite/Max to show play forward and reverse effect.


Thank you once again

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