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TimelineMax demo bug

eigenface test
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I think there's a bug in your TimelineMax "Who's the boss..." movie, or at least a confusing UI choice. When the timeline finishes, the play button changes to "restart", even though it's still really play. It seems strange that when you alternately click the restart button on the left and reverse, the timeline switches direction back and forth, but when the alternately click the identically-labeled restart button on the right and reverse, the timeline starts over every time you click restart.


Congratulations on the site update, by the way. It looks great.

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Ah, good catch - my goal with changing the "play()" button to "restart()" when it finished the first time was to make sure the user didn't click it and think to themselves "why isn't anything happening?" since the swf plays by default immediately and by the time the user scrolls down enough on the page to see the swf, there's a good chance it'd be done. And that button is highlighted green, drawing the most attention to it, like "click me!". Anyway, I hadn't even thought of the scenario where the user ignores that highlighted restart() button and clicks the other one. I needed to add the logic to that click so that it changes the label back to play(). Anyway, it should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.

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