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adding a function inside a tween [SOLVED]

orip test
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Hi ppl,


I'm a bit of a newbe to tweenmax, Just got a bit confused with an attempt to combine a function inside a tween,

the code goes something like this: (i know it's wrong, just trying to figure out how to solve it)


 				TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage"+(array)],0.5,{delay:0,blurFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5}, _alpha:100,_x:570+26, _y:195-60, _xscale:30, _yscale:30, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, from here i want to activate the following FUNCTION(){
				imageRight.bt._visible = true;
				anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 2)].bt._visible = true;
				anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 1)].bt._visible = true;
				anchorImages["masterImage" + (array)].bt._visible = true;


how do I combine it properly without setting it apart to a different function (like when I use onComplete)?


Any help or a direction would be much appreciated,



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So you want that code in the function to run AFTER the tween completes, right? But you don't want to use a function? Well, you have two options that I can think of, one of which still uses a function:


1) Do a tween of the "_visible" property that is delayed and has an extremely short duration (even 0 is okay):

TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage"+(array)],0.5,{delay:0,blurFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5}, _alpha:100,_x:570+26, _y:195-60, _xscale:30, _yscale:30, ease:Cubic.easeInOut});
TweenMax.to(imageRight.bt, 0, {delay:0.5, _visible:true});
TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 2)].bt, 0, {delay:0.5, _visible:true});
TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 1)].bt, 0, {delay:0.5, _visible:true});
TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage" + (array)].bt, 0, {delay:0.5, _visible:true});


- OR -



TweenMax.to(anchorImages["masterImage"+(array)],0.5,{delay:0,blurFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5}, _alpha:100,_x:570+26, _y:195-60, _xscale:30, _yscale:30, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, onComplete:onCompleteTween, onCompleteParams:[ anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 2)].bt, anchorImages["masterImage" + (array - 1)].bt, anchorImages["masterImage" + (array)].bt]});

function onCompleteTween(mc1:MovieClip, mc2:MovieClip, mc3:MovieClip):Void {
   imageRight.bt._visible = true;
   mc1._visible = true;
   mc2._visible = true;
   mc3._visible = true;

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