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Basic Timeline Max Question. [SOLVED]

ej23 test
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Hello Everybody.


I was hoping someone could answer, what is probably a very simple question in regards to Timeline Max, so here it is:


Basically what I am trying to do is delay the restart of my timeline, after an external SWF (child) is removed.


I don't have a problem getting the time line to restart, it just starts before some of my other tweens are finished.


Again this is probably real simple, but I can't for the life of me figure this out.


Here is the code if it's even needed.



//////////////////////This what I would like delayed./////////////



The code above is the last line of a function, which has about 7 tweens. The timeline though starts to play before these tweens end.



Any ideas?


Thanks in advance for any sort of help.

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There are a lot of ways to do this, so it's tough to say what's best without seeing the rest of your code. But here are some options:


1) Use a delayedCall like:


TweenLite.delayedCall(1, myTimeline.restart); //delays for 1 second


2) Use the repeat and repeatDelay like:


var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:1, repeatDelay:1});


3) Make the original TimelineMax instance have a delay, and then when you restart(), tell it to include that delay:


var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({delay:1});


4) If you have other tweens that need to finish first, dump them into a TimelineLite and then append() your other timeline (nest it). That way, it'll finish as soon as the others are done.


Does that help?

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Perfect! Many Thanks!


Yes Timeline Lite & Max are definitely the way to go.

Being new to AS3 coding, there is probably a lot I have to learn before I can fully realize Timeline Lite & Max's full potential, but so far, it has been extremely helpful.

Thanks again for your help, and Greensock

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