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TransformAroundPoint with rotated parent

proffy test
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i'm developing an as3 engine for multi-touch hardware and i'm interested in the transformAroundPoint plugin for two-fingers rotation of sprites.

It seems to be really convenient to this type of situation, but i would like to know if this plugin also works when the target rotated sprite is child of a sprite that's already rotated and eventually moved on x/y.


I've tried to create a similar behavior as the transformAroundPoint plugin on my own but i've quickly come to this rotated-parenting issue.


Thank you for your time and your work.



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Flash always reports properties relative to an object's parent, so that's how transformAroundPoint works too. Are you looking to have things work in an absolute manner? Like if you transformAroundPoint to a rotation of 90, you want that to be relative to the stage and ignore all the nesting? It'd be possible to do that with a custom plugin, sure. There isn't one built at this point, though.

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Thank you for your quick answer.

As the fingers are relative to the table's coordinates, i'm looking for an absolute transform wherever the target clip is, indeed.

I think i've found a solution by come-and-go with the localToGlobal / globalToLocal functions (very useful :)




If i get my boss to buy the license, i'll try work it out with the transformAroundPoint plugin and post a clean script.

As the multi-touch surfaces are getting more and more used by the flash community, i think that an "absolute" parameter for this plugin could be a really good add-in !

Moreover, the plugin explorer seems to show that the transformAroundPoint plugin's anchor point works with global values, even if the target clip is nested, doesn't it ?


Thank you !


- i'm french, so please excuse my mistakes (and my president)

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