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Problem with fixed background with GSAP and ScrollMagic

paraxx test
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Go to solution Solved by paraxx,

Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue. Unfortunately I haven't worked with ScrollMagic so I can't tell you what could be the issue and we need to focus our time on solving GSAP specific issues, so problems with third party plugins working on top of GSAP are a bit out of our scope.


Also I saw you created an issue on SM repository, so you'll have to wait for Jan or other user to provide support. As well perhaps another user here in the forums with more experience with SM could provide some help.


Finally, it strikes me as unusual that any instance added to the main timeline created with scroll magic is not paused by default at runtime. Perhaps you could set the tweens to paused and see if that helps.

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Thank you so much for the reply, and i am aware that this question is a long-shot. Nevertheless i noticed that the github repo for ScrollMagic was somewhat quiet, which gave me the idea of trying here, since i have had some very good experience with friendly people, just like you, replying with a possible resolution for this problem.


Its super interesting with the paused parameter, but i am not quite sure where to add. I tried just adding it on the first scene (anchor1) to the to part of the animation, which did not work. If i set the paused to all the tweens it does not move at all.


Its probably very important that i explain this is a minimal version based on a very big project, where i am only experiencing the problem with the video background. Everything else is working as it should.

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