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Timer Tracker, anyone?

soupking test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi GS folks,


I just got done building an awful banner campaign. Actually, I'm still in it, and there's really no fault or any bad breath about the matter. It just...It's one of those that was a rolling rock that wound up in the wind and now we're finally hopefully kicking it out the door. So...


This thing had four timers. Now, heh, maybe it was warranted, maybe not. But...One thing I questioned from this experience after the lovely mystery of watching banners for legths of time wondering if the damn timers are working is...would it be possible to track these thing to see if they're actually active? Like see them counting or not?


Is that possible in native and if not could it be done? I've seen a lot of inspectors track CSS animation live. And GSAP has great TL capabilities. Is there something that exists to help this QA process or something that can be made?


Cuz frankly, anybody who's had to watch and wait for timers realizes how lame, frustrating and (at times, no pun intended) inaccurate such a process can be.


If anybody can help me smooth the timer QA troubleshoot going forward or help the community on this issue if I'm not missing something I think that'd help us get back to designing/building instead of watching time...which is kinda lame if you ask me.


Thanks for reading, :)



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I'm not totally clear on what you are asking. A little demo of what you are tracking and a description of how you would things visualized would really help.


If you want to see that amount of time that has transpired since a banner has started playing its pretty straightforward to just track the time() and totalTime() of a timeline





if you trigger your timer things with delayedCall() you can be assured that functions will fire perfectly synchronized with any animation too.


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