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I need your help. I am trying to load mp4 video into videoLoader and to display buffering percentage.

_videoLoader = new VideoLoader(_target, {name:"video", width:1024, height:576, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoPlay:false, volume:1, bufferMode:false, onComplete:bufferFullHandler, onProgress: bufferProgressHandler,onError: handleLoadError, estimatedBytes:INTRO_ESTIMATED_BYTES});
In bufferProgressHandler I am tracing _videoLoader.progress and I get next values:
As you see progress is moving back few times, I have tried to trace bytesLoaded and the same thing happens.
Please help

Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums,


Unfortunately Adobe's NetStream class has a long history of having problems. So its really hard to guess what the problem is without knowing which version of Flash Player you are using, browser, OS and any other details regarding your environment. 

Also this isn't the type of thing we can explore without having a reduced test case that we can use to compile and test.


Please package up an FLA with a small version of your video so that we can test. The simpler the better.


Before doing so, please verify that the results you are seeing are when you test with the video hosted online being streamed into a browser version of Flash player. Unfortunately you can not really trust what is happening when you use "simulate download settings" inside of Flash's bandwidth profiler. Just want to make sure that is removed entirely from the equation. 


Your files must be zipped prior to attaching them here. If they are too big to attach, please use an external file sharing service like www.ge.tt (free, no ads, no emails, or sign up)

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