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  1. Thank you very much.Thanks to the answer, I resolved it. Have a nice day. ^.^
  2. Hello. I am a beginner in Korea. Question GSAP is a 3D animation implementation, and I ask you questions about the problem. Why do two codes below show different animation? TweenMax.to(obj,1,{transform:"rotateX(100deg) rotateY(100deg) rotateZ(100deg)",ease:Back.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(obj,1,{rotationX:"100deg",rotationY:"100deg",rotationZ:"100deg",ease:Back.easeOut}); Additionally, the actual animation of the TweenMax and rotationX, defined as CSS 3, and the actual animation of the Y and Z values, are different. #myclass{ transform:"rotateX(100deg) rotateY(100deg) rotateZ(100deg)"; } I am a beginner and I can not speak English. , this website is also difficult to understand. I ask you to reply to the extent that you can understand the English translation of the English language service in Korea.
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