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Brian Travers

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  1. Thanks to all the previous posters on this, according to my Google, I have been to this post a few times for help. I just noticed something that might be beneficial to add. In an ad, had a logo that was used multiple times slightly altered, so to save on file weight, I used the <symbol> and <use> parts of svg. It worked in all the browsers when I tested it, but it was flagged invalid when by the Doubleclick Validator. I eventually figured out that it was because an svg's <use> was referencing a symbol defined in a separate svg on the page. So in one case, I combined the svgs into one (so the svg wasn't referencing something outside of itself) and another case I duplicated the symbol to both svgs (which didn't hurt the k-weight as much as I thought it would). Hope that helps someone else (or me in the future when I return to this page).
  2. I found this post while I was trying to make percentages to work with an svg that I wanted to go across the screen. I don't know if this solution will work for you or if this is too hack-y, but I nested the svg within another svg that was responsive to entire window. Then, when the svg scaled with the browser, the x and y coordinates were percentages. ie. <div id="wrapper"> <!-- wrapper --> <svg id="svg-wrapper" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <!-- change viewbox to whatever proportions are --> <svg id="svg-nested"> <!-- can be the image, div or whatever you need --> <!-- embed whatever your #image content was --> </svg> </svg> </div> So in the above example, the x and y coordinates you use will actually be percentages.
  3. If you are the developer working with a designer when making display ads, then I wrote something for you; or more specifically, for the designer. Since some new designers or designers used to print need a quick lesson it, I wrote a article on my company's blog about the technical considerations needed for designers when planning an ad. http://88brandpartners.com/news/make-work-designers/ I've gotten a lot of help from these forums, so I thought I would finally contribute something. Any feedback would be welcomed.
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