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  1. Yeah I know sorry about that, and as for the pen embed not working here is the link to it https://codepen.io/anon/pen/dRVaYZ
  2. Hi romain.jr, I think it may be some sort of bug for the display none but theres a work around that you could use for that which is /* the temp workaround */ .set($list, {onComplete:function(){$list.addClass('hide');}}) /* The CSS */ .hide { display: none !important; } As for your console.log it was firing as soon as the browser read it rather than when the animation had completed because it needs to be done one of 2 ways // Method one (it's best to only use this method you are only going to call the function once) onComplete: function(){/* Do your stuff here */} // Method two (looks neater and a more efficient choice if you're going to reusing the function) onComplete: myFunction function myFunction() { /* Do your stuff here */ } Here is the CodePen if you want to have a look at it I hope that helps
  3. Sorry for not making the post clearer i sort of rushed it a bit but basically i just want to know how to resume a specific timeline after having called the TweenMax.pauseAll() function whilst keeping the rest paused, I hope that makes things clearer but if it's still not clearer please let me know and i'll create a demo to demonstrate in more detail
  4. Hi i was trying to find something in the docs about this but i don't know if maybe i didn't dig deep enough or if it just wasn't there but. I have a set of slides and they all have their own timelines // I used this to pause the timelines TweenMax.pauseAll(); // I tried using this to resume tl.play(0); // and tl.seek(0); It would be great if someone could offer a suggestion/way for me to resume a specific timeline after having called the pauseAll function Thanks in advanced.
  5. How would i calculate the bezier path of this shape? I want to have a circle which follows this curve but I don't know how to find the numbers to use for the bezier path. I included a link to the codepen so you can see what it is I'm trying to do with the SVG. Thanks in advance for the help
  6. Hi, I am trying to load version 1.3.7 of the TweenMax plugin minified version in Wordpress on my Localhost. I have properly enqueued the script into the footer and its the second to last script being load (the last being my animation timeline and jQuery is the first). I get these two errors in the console TweenMax.min.js Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'greensock' of undefined(anonymous function) @ TweenMax.min.js?ver=20151215:16check @ jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?ver=4.6.3:59c @ jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?ver=4.6.3:59t._gsDefine @ jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?ver=4.6.3:59(anonymous function) @ TweenMax.min.js(anonymous function) @ TweenMax.min.js casestudy.js:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: TweenMax is not defined And this is my timeline (function($){$(function(){ var $left = $('.preview-small.left'), $right = $('.preview-small.right'), mainTl = new TweenMax(); function setStage(){ var setTl = new TweenMax(); setTl .set($left, {xPercent: 0, scale: 0.8, transformOrigin: 'center center'}) .set($right, {xPercent: 0, scale: 0.8, transformOrigin: 'center center'}) return setTl; } function moveInStage(){ var moveTl = new TweenMax(); moveTl .to($left, 0.9, {xPercent: -71, scale: 1, transformOrigin: 'center center', force3D:true, ease: Power4.easeInOut}) .to($right, 0.9, {xPercent: 71, scale: 1, transformOrigin: 'center center', force3D:true, ease: Power4.easeInOut}) return moveTl; } function init(){ mainTl.add(setStage()) mainTl.add(moveInStage()) } init(); });}(jQuery)); Any help with this would be awesome
  7. Thanks Carl sorry about not including it, since it was just the delay i didnt think you would need it
  8. Hello I don't know if its possible to do but, i wanted to know if i could add a delay to the 'onReverseComplete' ? the way i have it is var menuOpen = new TimelineMax({paused: true, onReverseComplete:menuFinishClose}) and in the function it calls i made it set the width and height using just the standard jQuery .width and .height as a px because using the .reverse it sets the width in % which i don't want it to. I'd like to have a negative delay because it looks a bit clunky the way it jumps back after the animation is done Any help on this is much appreciated
  9. Ah sorry, i just wanted to quickly reply and yes its in a stylesheet
  10. Sorry, only reason i didn't included it is because on codepen the issue doesn't happen so i thought it just wouldnt help but here is the link http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GqjBzz?editors=1010
  11. Sorry I just wanted to give you a full description so you wouldnt be needing to ask to see more of it, but i edited the post now Yes i am trying to tween the before and after of an element which does exist and i have also included the JS at the end just to make sure everything gets loaded but it keeps giving me that error.
  12. Hi, i'm using version 1.8.5 of GreenSock and i am getting 'Cannot tween a null target' I'm following ihatetomatoes tutorials on how to use GreenSock, i have also downloaded the documents he has provided which in his video works fine, but when i try it on Chrome it pulls up the same error? This is my Javascript // Moving circles around project image - older IEs might struggle tlCircles = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1}); tlCircles .to($projectImageBefore, 0.8, {cssRule:{top: '5px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}) .to($projectImageBefore, 0.8, {cssRule:{left: '5px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}) .to($projectImageBefore, 0.8, {cssRule:{top: '-5px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}) .to($projectImageBefore, 0.8, {cssRule:{left: '-5px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}) .to($projectImageAfter, 0.7, {cssRule:{bottom: '6px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}, '0') .to($projectImageAfter, 0.7, {cssRule:{right: '6px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}, '0.7') .to($projectImageAfter, 0.7, {cssRule:{bottom: '-6px'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}, '1.1') .to($projectImageAfter, 0.7, {cssRule:{right: '-56x'}, ease: Linear.easeNone}, '1.5'); And I dont get what is wrong with it but when i comment out from line 23 to 32 (which is what i have included above) it works so i think it might be an issue with the cssRule? Any help with this would be much appreciated.
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