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  1. I'm using javascript split function to create typewriter effect. I tryed documenaton but i really didn't stumble upon similar thing I'm asking. Is there any way to use gsap animation on every letter i pull fom text? $(document).ready(function(){ var x = "Some random text" typer(x); function typer©{ $.each(c.split(""), function(i, letter){ setTimeout(function(){ $('body').html($('body').html() + i + letter); },100*i); }); } });
  2. I wonder is there any way to make draggable scroll, but make overflow hidden?
  3. My bad worked like a charm
  4. It's not just text it's data, is there any way i can use tween line and eliminate jquery, or some function?
  5. I have one question, I'm trying to make Ajax call with some tween animation on successes. tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to(".content", 2, {top:"-100%"} ) .to(".content", 2, {top:"0%"}) after first tl.to(".content", 2, {top:"-100%"} ) i want to do $("content").html(data) but it puts data right away i tried delay i tried callback all the same. Any workaround? I tryed reading docs and still i didn't get it.
  6. What does x percent do, cuz it still doesn't work when i have wider screen?
  7. http://codepen.io/Kyokotsu/pen/aOdKOR I want the boxes come 10% from the right on any given size. But box fly right trough window width. And i want them to start at that position.
  8. I was wondering is there any chance, to do animation and to be responsive on window re size, change, anything really? I tried % based animation but 50% of wide and small screen doesn't land object in the same place?
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