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Gradual stopping of repeating animation

DivisionBoy test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I began to understand a little GSAP.


But i can not understand how can gradually stop repeat animation?


I've seen this



but I need to stop the animation smoothly, as possible?


For example, I need to gradually stop the movement of the car after three seconds.

function stopCar() {
/*some script to stop a car*/
setTimeout(stopCar, 3000)

See the Pen xwKWmE by DivisionBoy (@DivisionBoy) on CodePen



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I am hell bent on not letting Carl beat me to this answer. :D


There are a few ways of going about this. It will depend how you want to go about it.


I forked out your pen, made a few changes to it and made what I *think* is what you're after. Do have a look on the comment I left there for an alternative way of animating. There's nothing wrong with either way, it is just two different approaches.


See the Pen NGKBEE by dipscom (@dipscom) on CodePen


The long and the short of it:

You will kill the tweens you're animating and immediately create new ones to animate the car/background from the position they are currently in at the time you killed the tweens.


Another few pointers: Look at the code carefully, you will see there is no need to nest so many divs and sometimes you don't even need a div. Spotting this sort of thing will become natural the more you do it. There is also no need to have a timeline for each of the things you want to animate. Generally just a TweenMax is enough unless you want things to happen in sequence.


Hope this is what you're after.

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Oh, and a little power-tip for you guys.


Since all the timelines were not yet nested into one timeline you can use exportRoot() to place all active animations into a timeline and then control that timeline like this


function stopCar() {
    /*some script to stop a car*/
    var allTimelines = TimelineLite.exportRoot();
    TweenLite.to(allTimelines, 2, {timeScale:0})
  TweenLite.delayedCall(3, stopCar)




its a ridiculously powerful (and handy) feature.


[docs id=js.TimelineLite.exportRoot()" linktext="docs for exportRoot()]

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is old but thought I'd chime in here with a really simple example of Jack's timescale tween in case anyone happens upon this and wants another little example. Here's a codepen where a ball "spins" using directionalRotation, repeats 15 times and then stops. The timescale is set to either speed up or slow down.

See the Pen dpqyzO?editors=1010 by swampthang (@swampthang) on CodePen

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