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  1. Hopefully I can explain this without writing up a Codepen since Backbone takes a minute to get going, if this is unclear Ill gladly set it up tho. I want to chain a timeline animation into another function, WITHOUT referencing my view in the "onComplete" of the timeline. My idea is to do this with the new Promise object in JS, but I have no idea how to do this. Here is what I got so far // some random BB function var ping = function(){ console.log('promise finished') }; // define our timeline var t = new TimelineLite({ paused: true, onComplete: function(){ // what do I return here to be able to chain a promise } }); // run the chain t.play().then(function(res){ ping() }); Obviously this doesn't work since .play() doesn't return anything, but I'm hoping there is a way to combo a .then() from the onComplete param of the timeline. Thanks in advance and happy to be posting on the forum for the first time. p.s. I know I can technically pass the view itself into the timeline and trigger a function from onComplete or an event, but I'm (1) trying to keep BB and GS decoupled, and (2) curious if my question has an answer regardless if it's the better solution.
  2. alextodea

    Return to initial state if clicked again

    Hey guys! I am fairly new to GSAP and i am learning it by building stuff. I have an svg in the middle of the page and i would like it to animate to the left and then display the content of the page (which i did not coded yet). When the user clicks it again, i would like to return to its initial state and hide the content of the page. Throughout the past few hours, I tried various on click functions with if else statements but nothing seems to work. With the show/hide part of the content i will deal with it later, for the moment i would like to learn how to fix the clicking part. Thanks in advance!
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