I have been loading a html file (including tweening) using ajax into a div and on first viewing the Tweens are working. However after clearing the div with jquery.empty() and reloading the same html file the tweens are no longer working in Firefox.
To view an example please download attached files (sorry it's very basic).
- Unzip and click on index.html.
- Clicking on "Click to load file into div" will load the test.html file into a div of index.html.
- Two images will come up. When mousing over the images boxes with text will appear.
- Clicking on "Empty Div" will remove contents of div with .empty()
- Clicking on "Click to load file into div" will bring in the test.html again but the tweens no longer work.
This behaviour only happens when first firing the tweens. If you refresh the browser and click to add and remove the html the tweens will still work the first time.
The Tweens work fine in IE9 but are not working in Firefox 20.
Does anyone know why the tweens would not work the second time in Firefox? Any help would be great.