Im just getting started and am excited about the prospect of a new door to flash. However, I am stumped right off the bat going through "Getting Started" for Tweenlite.
I downloaded TweenLite for AS2. Created a test folder. Put the com folder inside. Created a test fla. I imported the classes as was instructed on the first frame of the timeline:
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
TweenLite.to(poly_mc, 1.5, {x:100});
I created a polygon called poly_mc, and also named the instance poly_mc. I extended my timeline in the event it needed 1.5 seconds of frames to run the animation.
Nothing happened. No errors either. Am I doing something wrong?
I'm on Flash CS6, but wouldnt imagine it matters since it's AS libraries.