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  1. I am trying to make an interactive map with the draggable plugin that zooms in and out. I have made my image an SVG so it can scale well, and my location dots are css. But i have been running into two issues. 1. Since my map is longer than the view port, i can't seem to see the bottom of the map. it keeps scrolling back to the middle if i drag upwards. 2. All the zooming solutions I have found have only been for images. I need to zoom all the elements in the entire div. I started to create my own zoom, which zooms the whole div and the elements in side it. But this presents a couple of issues. First, it zooms in and out at the same spot, I would like it to zoom into the current mouse location. And second if I zoom out at the edge, the div goes out of the visible boundaries so i can't drag it around. As per your requests I created a codepen, http://codepen.io/jermbo/full/LktfB , and I realize this is a very specific situation. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. I just need a push in the right direction and I got the rest of the map functionality. Thanks in advance!! *Plugin Request : Zoomable. If this were a greensock plugin like Draggable I would be the happiest developer in the world!
  2. Spiderian

    Scale up its crops top-left

    I have a container div that has overflow: auto; and then I use tweenlite to zoom in some of the images. I like that it zooms to the center using the scale feature, but it only let's me scroll down and right. It chops off anything in top or left. I can get everything if I scale then more the top and left negatively, but I don't want to zoom to the top corner. Is there a way to re register the size, or a workaround? Thanks
  3. Spiderian

    Zoom Crops off Top Left

    Hey, when I zoom in it zooms to the top left. I can scroll back to where I was centered, but is there a way to change the registration point? When I zoom in to a specific spot by moving top:-x, left:-x it crops off the top left. Would a better way, than changing the registration point, be appending the bounding box? I tried a couple suggestions with adding draggable, but in all the demos it required something for only paid members. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. BernalCarlos

    Zoom in a Transform Item

    Hello, I have to say that the transform manager is wonderful plugin that meets my expectations and needs except for one thing. In my application people will be given the ability to move, scale and rotate images, but they should also be able to zoom in or out the images without affecting the width and height of the selected item. Also, I need to store this information in a database. How can I do this with the Transform Manager? Thank you.
  5. Hello, I´m trying to make a simple pinch zoom image scroll app in Adobe Air Mobile for Android and ios. I always having the same issue when I try to pinch the image zoom in and I activate the blitmask. I don´t have problems making this part. But when I pinch to zoom out, the image moves to different x and y coordinates, and sometimes the image disappears. IThe image upon zoom out moves off-center and doesn´t return to position zero. I know there is something in the blitmask that changes these values, but I´m not sure what exactly is going wrong. I always use blitmask.update() and enable or disable bitmapMode. Does anyone have an example for Flash with pinch zoom gestures with ThrowProps + blitMask? Thanks.
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