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  1. Hello, I'm doing some really cool things with the TransformManager, but once again I need some help. Is there a way to constrain scaling to positive values, so that mirror effects do not happen? To make myself clear, take a look a the images: 1. Original State - Ok Scaling: http://www.flickr.com/photos/90499524@N07/8273520758/in/photostream 2. Still Ok Scaling: http://www.flickr.com/photos/90499524@N07/8272455391/in/photostream 3. Not Ok Scaling: http://www.flickr.com/photos/90499524@N07/8273520798/in/photostream Thank you so much for your help.
  2. Climber

    Rounding 'scale' property

    I know Firefox is notorious for having choppy playback. If I'm animating an image down the screen using the "top" property, using roundProps definitely helps make it less jerky. I think Firefox doesn't like things sitting on half-pixel values. How do I accomplish the same thing using the "scale" property? When I try, I think the scale value is properly rounded, but I'm still getting choppy playback. I'm not sure what's going on under the hood, but it seems like even if the scale value is rounded, the item I'm scaling will potentially still have half-pixel values for its width/height/marginLeft/marginRight/top/left (or however it's technically rendered behind the scenes). Anyone have any tips here? Thanks!
  3. I know Firefox is notorious for having choppy playback. If I'm animating an image down the screen using the "top" property, using roundProps definitely helps make it less jerky. I think Firefox doesn't like things sitting on half-pixel values. How do I accomplish the same thing using the "scale" property? When I try, I think the scale value is properly rounded, but I'm still getting choppy playback. I'm not sure what's going on under the hood, but it seems like even if the scale value is rounded, the item I'm scaling will potentially still have half-pixel values for its width/height/marginLeft/marginRight/top/left (or however it's technically rendered behind the scenes). Anyone have any tips here? Thanks!
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