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  1. Sukru

    Gsap scroll up header active

    Hi, here is how I can make the header appear only when the scroll moves up. I think smooth scroll is preventing this because of its own page calculation. I can see it when I go to the top of the page. I want to see the header when I scroll up. Like the example here; https://aydindoganvakfi.org.tr/
  2. Vivek_appscrip

    Header/Nav bar slide down as the user scroll

    I am trying to achieve something like initially on page load there will be a header on user user scrolls down the initial header should hide and a new header should slide down. i have done this using animate css and plain js. but this works smoothly only when the user scroll is smooth. when the user scrolls the page very fast the header slidedown faces some glitchs so i want to use scrolltrigger to achieve this. may i know how to achieve this.
  3. Thales Ribeiro

    Sticky header animation onScroll

    Hi there, i'm trying to do one of those animations on the header as you scroll down. I want it to be a very nice and smooth transition. I'm trying to do in such a way that i could easily re-use the code in different projects, just changing the timeline animation. Basically, when you scroll down 50px, an animation would play instantly, at the moment i'm adding a class "sticky" to my header, so i can control the position thru css, but i can't get the animation working. I'm sure there's something missing on my code, just can't figure out what it is. $(function() { var header = $(".header"); $(window).scroll(function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 50) { header.removeClass('not-sticky').addClass("sticky"); console.log("sticky") } else { header.removeClass("sticky").addClass('not-sticky'); console.log("notsticky") } }); }); var headerAnim = new TimelineLite({}); headerAnim.to(".sticky", 1, {css:{background:'#ccc'}, color:'#fff', ease:Back.easeOut}); //>> animate logo in, etc
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