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  1. Hello. I've been searching for an answer to this problem but to no avail. I'm simply testing the LoaderMax and I haven't customized anything to fit my stage. I only want to load a video (flv file) and see that it plays. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; import com.greensock.loading.*; import com.greensock.loading.display.*; import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent; ... var video:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader("flv/loader.flv", {name:"myVideo", container:this, width:400, height:300, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoPlay:false, volume:0, requireWithRoot:this.root, estimatedBytes:75000}); var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler}); queue.append( video ); queue.load(); I've imported all of these and used the code correctly as far as I know how to but it gives me the error Error on VideoLoader 'myVideo' (flv/loader.flv): NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound Edit: I have not put the flv in my Library, nor is it on the stage. Is that needed? I would like to load it from a location within the directory: flv/loader.flv
  2. little_fat_girl

    Loading flv's with alpha channels?

    I'm using loadermax to load a combination of flv's and f4vs. The flv's are used because they have an alpha channel. However, the alpha channels of the flv's are not working. Instead of seeing transparency, I get black. Is this because loadermax uses StageVideo? Or is there another reason? And more importantly, is there a workaround for this? I mean I suppose I could embed the flv's in swfs and load those, but I'm hoping for something more elegant. I love using loadermax to load this stuff. I hope there is a way I can make this work. Thanks in advance.
  3. I've come across and issue which I have found a work around. I am loading and playing external FLVs from a different server from where my SWF is located. When published locally and pulling in the FLVs, everything worked fine. When placing the SWF online, it wouldn't load the FLVs. After a day of troubleshooting and using crossdomain policies, I've narrowed it down to the loading procedure used. My findings are below. Please feel free to comment or let me know if I missed something that would have prevented me from wasting a day. I have done the following: 1. added crossdomain.xml to the site where the FLVs reside 2. added import flash.system.Security; Security.loadPolicyFile("http://www.mywebsite.com/crossdomain.xml"); <br><br> to my FLA The above files/code didn't have an impact on anything after my testing. I was loading the videos through the following code: var numVids = this.model.xml.q.opt.length(); for (var k:Number = 1; k <= numVids; k++) { var videoSrc:String = vidPath + this.model.xml.q.opt[(k - 1)].source; urls.push(videoSrc); var videoSrcFB:String = vidPath + this.model.xml.q.opt[(k - 1)].fb.source; urls.push(videoSrcFB); } //trace ("urls = " + urls); var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.parse(urls, { onProgress:_progressHandler, onComplete:_queueComplete, onChildComplete:_childComplete }, { width:873.6, height:479, autoPlay:false } ); queue.load(); The above code worked fine when publishing the SWF and testing locally but wouldn't load the FLVs once I placed it online. My workaround: var numVids = this.model.xml.q.opt.length(); for (var k:Number = 1; k <= numVids; k++) { var videoSrc:String = vidPath + this.model.xml.q.opt[(k - 1)].source; urls.push(videoSrc); var videoSrcFB:String = vidPath + this.model.xml.q.opt[(k - 1)].fb.source; urls.push(videoSrcFB); } //trace ("urls = " + urls); var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.parse(urls, { onProgress:_progressHandler, onComplete:_queueComplete, onChildComplete:_childComplete }, { width:873.6, height:479, autoPlay:false } ); for (var m:Number = 1; m <= urls.length; m++) { //append several loaders var load = urls[(m - 1)]; var video:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader(load, { onComplete:_queueComplete, width:873.6, height:479, autoPlay:false } ); //<--THIS IS THE CODE THAT WORKED video.load(); } I would much rather keep the LoaderMax.parse function to keep the code nice and clean but doesn't seem to do the trick when trying to play FLVs from diff server. Has anyone run into similar issues?
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