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  1. how can i cancel an existing delayed tween when i create another tween that tweens the same object´s propoerty? for example, i have: private function showPopUp():void { var inpopup:TweenLite = new TweenLite(popup, 0.25, {alpha: 1, ease: Linear.easeIn, onComplete:function() { var outpopup:TweenLite = new TweenLite(popup, 0.25, {alpha: 0, delay: 3.5, ease: Linear.easeIn}); } }); } that function is called in different situations, to show a popup with some text. i´ll try to say it simple : let´s say the popup mc pops in and before it pops out, i tell him to pop in again, let´s say, after 3 seconds. then the popup mc pops out within 0.5 seconds, instead of 3.5. shouldn´t it overwrite "itself" ? i get confused. its "overwrite" property defaults to true, right? i´ve tried already in different manners, for example, by only creating a new tween instead of declaring it into a variable. obs: it works well in my computer but not in the server !!! help!
  2. I have two tweens on an object in CS4 that do a rotate on X by 180º. When I use strings like I want, so the object rotates from wherever it is, the overwrite:0 is not working. I do: TweenLite.to(myObject, .5, {rotationX:"180"}); and then: TweenLite.to(myObject, .5, {rotationX:"180", overwrite:0}); In the second tween, it just goes from wherever the first one is, regardless of the overwrite setting, causing the object to 'land' at an incorrect angle - ie not 360º rotated. I've had to resort to using hard coded values for the rotations instead of strings like I was hoping for. Seems a bug to me.
  3. Firstly, hello everybody! I recently switched to the v11 beta and i´m very happy with the new timeline feature. Thanks Jack! Currently i´m working on a project, where i use the following code: b3Timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); b3Timeline.insertMultiple([ TweenMax.to(mainHolder.sImgHolder, 0.4, {x:-540}), TweenMax.to(mainHolder.barsMask, 0.4, {x:0, width:stage.stageWidth}), TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar1, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}), TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar2, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}), TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar3, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}), TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar4, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}), ], "TweenAlign.START"); b3Timeline.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo([mainHolder.bar1, mainHolder.bar2, mainHolder.bar3, mainHolder.bar4,], 0.3, {alpha:1}, 0.1), "TweenAlign.SEQUENCE" ); The timeline plays when the user clicks one of the bars, and is reverted on click on a close button. This far everything works nicely, but when i add mouse over & -out listeners to the bars, to call a function like TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar1, 0.7, {x:540, ease:Exponential.easeOut}); (& back) the tweens seem to conflict: As long as the MouseOver/out Tweens are not finished, the tweening bars wil not start the x property tweens from the timeline . As you see, i tried to set the overwrite mode to 3, so this tweens would kill any existing tweens of the object, but it doesn´t seem to work... Any help would be greatly appreciated! thx, d PS: i attached the swf and main .as of the project. The problem occurs when you repeatedly click and close the 3rd bar from the top
  4. TweenMax V11 If I call the "moveContent" function while the object (_holder.content_mc) is still tweening (x property) the onComplete function is called twice. The TweenMax documentation states: 2 (AUTO): (used by default if OverwriteManager.init() has been called) Searches for and overwrites only individual overlapping properties in tweens that are active when the tween begins. Why doesn't this work? I am tweening the x property of _holder.content_mc ... therefore the tweening of the x property is "overlapping" and should be overwritten. If I substitute "overwrite:3" for "overwrite:2" it works perfectly. OverwriteManager.init() private function moveContent(position:Number):void { var currentx:Number = _holder.content_mc.x; var speed:Number = Math.abs(position - currentx)/500; TweenMax.to(_holder.content_mc,speed,{x:position,overwrite:2,ease:Quad.easeInOut,onComplete:moveTagDown}); }
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