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Posts posted by daniel.englert

  1. Follow up: 

    My company usually hands the finished banners off as a ZIP file to various vendors that then upload the ad to whatever network they are supplying. Often the people I communicate with are not very helpful or knowledgeable. 


    This is why I'm trying to find out the most specific questions to ask and the best way to frame them, I need to frame my question so anyone at these vendors will be able to give us the answers we need in order for us to make the decision to use GSAP or not.


    If it's enough to know whether they're running them through Doubleclick or Sizmek for example then I think I'll be ok!


    Thanks again!



  2. Thanks Geedix (cool avatar!) and Jack for the replies, very helpful stuff. I'm glad to finally start posting, I've been using GSAP since it first came out for Flash back in the day and never stopped!


    To confirm, will it be enough for me to ask who the ad network is serving the ads? Is that the correct way to frame the question to determine which CDN is appropriate for a hypothetical banner build?


    Is DoubleClick considered the ad network? If so then I would use the Google CDN links.


    My understanding is that the publisher network are the sites that are ultimately displaying the ad content? They wouldn't matter in terms of what is cached on the end users' browser right?


    Sorry for making my questions so specific! I think I'm getting it now, again thank you both so much.

  3. How can I know which CDN shared libraries are acceptable during banner development? (and not going to be included in banner weight calculations)

    Is it enough to know that the banners are uploaded to DCS or DCM?

    Do I need to know the publisher network? 

    Who are the right people to ask when I start a new banner project?


    For background my role is typically just building HTML5 banners and handing them off to a vendor that handles uploading assets for trafficking / etc so I am a little uninformed on the life cycle post development.


    Apologies for all of the questions! I just want to use GSAP for banners and while I know Google and Sizmek have their own CDN links, I don't know the exact reasons I can / cannot consider a shared library CDN link Not part of my banner size.


    Any and all help would be so greatly appreciated!


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