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Posts posted by nielswijers

  1. Hey Carl, thx for your replay


    i understand your solution. it was not the one i was hoping for but it can be very solid :)


    im going to implement it now.


    and maybe later try to look for maybe an plugin for nested objects or so like

    TweenMax.to(clip, 1, {nested:{position:{x:0}}, ease: Back.easeOut}

    or try to hack a rewrite into it :)

    TweenMax.to(clip, 1, {'position.x':0, ease: Back.easeOut}
  2. Hey Jamie,


    thx for your reply, i know thats posible


    but imagine i have this clip and i want to do every thing in one animation

    var clip = {
      rotation: 10
      position: {x:100, y:100},
      anchor: {x:0,y:0}
    TweenMax.to(clip, 1,{position:{x:200}, alpha:0)

    i know i can do it like this

    new TimelineMax()
      .to(clip, 1, {alpha:0},0)
      .to(clip.position, 1, {x:0},0)

    but i was just wondering if there was a better way for doing this and combine it in one tween. so when i want adjust the timing i dont have to fix it on several places

  3. Hey there,


    Is is posible to animate a property of an child object


    example for better explantion :)

    var clip = {
      position: {x: 100, y:100}
    TweenMax.to(clip, 1, {position:{x:200}})
    or maybe
    TweenMax.to(clip, 1, {'position.x':200})

    thx in advance

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