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Posts posted by thecoello

  1. Hi! first of all, thank you for the respond. I have been trying all day to solve the problem but I can't find the solution. the problem is still happening...


    I followed all your recommendations and still nothing, also, i used the code from the example that @akapowl give me and nothing.


    I don't know if it's a problem doing the calculation for the scroll or I don't know (I'm new with gsap).


    btw, so sorry that I pasted all the whole code, you guys are right, it wasn't easier to find a solution with all the whole code... I updated the code, the html and css as well in the same Code pen project: Code Pen DEMO Tasman


    Thank you so much.


  2. Hi! I'm working in this web and i'm using the ScrollTrigger for the horizontal scroll and also I'm using the ScrollTo for the anchors but the problem is that when I clicked in an anchor the div moves to the right anchor but in a wrong position. When the anchor it's clicked then is set the value of the offsetLeft of that div... I'm printing the correct value in the console but the ScrollTo it's setting this value wrong. for example( if the value is 2560 then ScrolTo sets the value to 3000 or something like that... I don't know if i'm doing something wrong. 


    Thanks :D 

    See the Pen LYWgaXz by manuel-alejandro-guerra-coello (@manuel-alejandro-guerra-coello) on CodePen

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