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Posts posted by codenub

  1. @OSUblake Thank you for your help! That was way more sophisticated way of approaching. Although it was still showing 'opacity:1' when I reload after the trigger. Interestingly, and I don't know why it worked like this, but if I put duration as something really small like 0.0001 instead of 0, that resolved the problem.

    Doing so in my original code didn't fix it, it only worked on the new updated code with your suggestion.

    Thanks for you help!

  2. Hello there,

    I'm running into an issue where if I reload/refresh the page PAST the scrolltrigger area ('bottom spacer' area in codepen),

    the opacity of the elements don't get to set at 0, but instead 1.

    Basically it only works only if I refresh the page ABOVE or IN the scrolltriggered area (yellow background section or 'upper spacer' area).

    I wasn't able to successfully recreate the problem in codepen because on page reload it always scrolls to top.


    A little help would be great!

    Thank you in advance.

    See the Pen ZEePNMK by jjchung13 (@jjchung13) on CodePen

  3. Hello there,

    I'm a total noobie here.

    I've recently started practicing webdev, and wanted to create a portion of my website to scroll horizontally while some elements throughout the website has skewing effect on scroll.

    But the problem is any elements that are BELOW the horizontal scrolling section, skewing effect is not kicking in.

    Why is it doing so??

    See the Pen ZEeMVMx by jjchung13 (@jjchung13) on CodePen

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