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Design Geek Studio

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Posts posted by Design Geek Studio

  1. That mp4 is a standalone animation I created in Adobe Animate. I have the code that it exported, but figure this would be the better route than applying strollTrigger on top of it. I'm not necessarily looking to have it built for me if I can get someone to help connect the dots. Yes, I posted in freelancers section in case there wasn't any additional help. But you have definitely helped in getting me started. 

  2. Firstly, thank you team (and others) for your quick replies.  The codepen tutorial was a lifesaver.  Here's my issue: I'm trying to make a puk decomposition on scroll similar to the glock demo. 



    I have the animation working 


    See the Pen eYEWyya by Designgeekstudio (@Designgeekstudio) on CodePen


    but when I apply scrub: "true". I have no control and the tweeting and easing goes away.


    See the Pen KKvmZQr by Designgeekstudio (@Designgeekstudio) on CodePen



    See the Pen MWaWPmG by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

  3. Hi all,


    I've been struggling to use scrollTrigger effectively and I'm pressed for time.  I've tried to mimic the glock demo


    See the Pen MWaWPmG by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen




    however I didn't get the results I needed.  I have a unique ask for a decomposition on scroll for a vaping device.  See attached mp4. If this is a doable, let's connect on more details (quote, assets, timing, etc.)


    Apologies for the huge mp4. 




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  4. Hi Blake,


    Thanks for replying so fast. I'll give you more context. I'm working on a web site the was made in Magento that has access restrictions.  Since I'm not an admin, I don't have root file or theme access. I'm only allowed access to build pages using Magento's dashboard.  I tried using the CDN(S), but to no avail. It doesn't recognize the scripts. I'm looking for someone who used both GSAP and Magento successfully so they can help me troubleshoot.  

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