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Posts posted by ZenithLai

  1. It is work! 😀

    On 5/16/2021 at 4:21 AM, GreenSock said:

    If I understand your question correctly, the issue is that you've got stacked elements, thus when the browser goes to #Section02 it's at exactly the same spot as #Section03. Open Dev Tools and inspect the DOM and you'll see what I mean. 


    So to work around that, you could record the scroll offsets when the page is scrolled all the way up (0) and then manually handle the scroll to those positions like this: 

    const navLinks = gsap.utils.toArray(".wrap-nav a");
    navLinks.forEach(el => {
      el.addEventListener("click", e => {
        e.preventDefault(); // don't jump there. We'll handle it with a tween
        gsap.to(window, {scrollTo: el.scrollPosition, duration: 0.3});
    // re-record on each refresh so that it's responsive (works afte screen resizes)
    ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => {
      // make sure we're scrolled all the way up (0). We do this with a tween so that we can rewind it back to 0 after we're done measuring. It'll be invisible to the user because we immediately jumpo to the end anyway, then rewind to the start and kill. 
      const revertTween = gsap.to(window, {scrollTo: 0}).progress(1);
      navLinks.forEach(el => {
        el.scrollPosition = ScrollToPlugin.getOffset(el.getAttribute("href")).y;


    Here's a fork:




    Does that help?


  2. Hi!


    I still unable to fix it.

    What I expect is when mobile view, the two section( section 2 & 3 ) is separate.

    Here is what i expect in mobile view



    In mobile view I have to separate is because I concern that my content fit into mobile screen view, so that I let user to continue scroll down.

    ( *Sorry, my english not very good, hope u understand)



  3. Hi,


    Here is my latest code update:


    What's is the reason that I want to break all scrolltrigger, is because when mobile view user unable view all content in the screen, so i propose to break all the scrolltrigger to become default scrolling.


    I have try your way, but still fail to do, did I do anything wrong? Please advise. Thanks.


  4. Hi,


    I'm newbie for GSAP.

    When mobile size I'm trying to remove all ScrollTrigger. I already read all about .kill() document but I have no idea how to start.

    Here is what I write in my website.



      // mobile
      "(max-width: 768px)": function() {


    Do you guys have any idea on how i should write on the code part ?

    Appreciate if you can advice. Thanks

    See the Pen VwPGPYv by zenithlai (@zenithlai) on CodePen

  5. I have follow your suggestion.


    But now I facing responsive issue, when I resize the image cant't fit in the white background section.


    Have any idea on how i should write on responsive ?

    Appreciate if you can advice.


    *Sorry, I'm newbie for greensock, not familiar with this.



  6. This is what I want! :)


    But is they anyway to let the content auto calculate the content height? instead of set the height?

    .philosophie .wrapper {
      height: 50vh;
      width: 100%;
    .philosophie .point {
      height: 50vh;
      width: 100%;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      padding: 4rem;
      outline: 1px solid red
  7. It is works! Thank you.


    I have one more question.

    There is only little content for the section, thus I would like the content and image to appear once i scroll down from previous section instead of middle of the screen. And the following section appear right after the scrolling part end. 



  8. Hi,

    Would like to seek for you guys advice. Currently im working on the animation development for one of my website section. However, I would like the image to come out in "fade in" & "fade out" mode instead of scrolling up and down. 


    Do you guys have any idea on how i should write on the code part ?

    Appreciate if you can advice :)


    Thanks !

    See the Pen GRrMoxB by zenithlai (@zenithlai) on CodePen

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