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Posts posted by Ellie_

  1. Hi guys, this is my first time here, I need some help for this issue:


     I have been through documentation, example etc. I created this animation using the examples of the horizontal scroll provided in the docs,  the thing is that it worked ok with 3 panels but when I add more panels I notice the setting used in the xPercent

    xPercent: -100 * (sections.length - 1),

     doesn't work very well, as if I use more than 7 panels the last one doesn't show completely and starts showing less and less at the time yo continue adding panels, I need to have a margin between panels as is set, and a margin left and right of the container as is set too, I know this is affecting somehow but I'm unable to figure out how to recalculate this things to make it work either with 3 panels or 25 for example.

    Also the last panel should always be at the center of the screen, making a perfect match with the pictures below.


    I tried to change the end but it always ends at the same point, I tried to change the xPercent from 100 to 102, 103, 105 but that doesn't work either if I use less or more panels, it gets to a point that won't work with an extra panel or with less panels...


     anyone can throw some light on how to solve this? 


    Thanks a lot in advance!


    Please open codepen in desktop version to see it better


    See the Pen KKaRaGV by elenadw (@elenadw) on CodePen

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