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Posts posted by Jloafs

  1. Hi guys

    I'm having a few issues trying to work out how to pin an object when using scrolltrigger and scroll smooth.

    Essentially I want the header element to be fixed to the bottom of the viewport until it hits the footer, then it will push up just like position sticky behaviour.

    I have the feeling my pen is way off. I seem to have a huge viewport height element between the header and the <main> element for some reason and the positioning is not working at all as expected.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how to resolve?

    Many thanks in advance for any help.

    See the Pen GRejWYp by jloafs-DM (@jloafs-DM) on CodePen

  2. Hi guys,

    I'm trying to create a netflix type horizontal list of videos that can be scrolled by dragging. I want the dragging to have a softness to it so assumed the inertiaPlugin would be the way to go. Its my first time using either of these so am finding it difficult to trouble shoot.

    I set up a rough pen to illustrate. Can anyone shed any light on how to resolve this? Also ideally dont' want the contents within the scrollable window to be scrolled beyond the end of the content - ie don't want the contents to be scrolled leaving a big gap after the last element.


    Also the elements inside will be videos so need to be clickable - I notice that the drag hijaks the cursor. Is there a workaround for that?

    See the Pen eYXzBpo by jloafs-DM (@jloafs-DM) on CodePen

  3. Hi guys


    I'm trying to create a footer that is revealed when the bottom of the page is reached. I have the footer in a fixed position at the bottom of the screen (outside of the scroll smooth wrapper) and using z-index to keep it under the page body. However Ive run into an issue - footer links are not clickable. I've tried numerous combinations of pointer-events on different elements but can't get this to work.


    Can anyone shed any light on this issue?


    Many thanks in advance.

    See the Pen WNyMqyG by jloafs-DM (@jloafs-DM) on CodePen

  4. Hi guys


    I'm trying to figure out how to pause a timeline (between these .to) then add a button to resume the playback from the pause point. Any help would probably save me hours banging my head against a wall :-)


    .to("element", {
          delay: -1,
          opacity: 1,
          y: "0",
          duration: 1.5,
          ease: Power4.easeOut,
        .to("element", {
          delay: 5,
          opacity: 0,
          y: "-100vh",
          duration: 1.5,
          ease: Power4.easeOut,


  5. Hi guys.


    I'm trying to add Scroll Smoother to Wordpress but getting errors. Can I just check this is the correct way to include? 


    I have added the ScrollSmoother.min.js file to a folder called 'js' and am enqueueing the script in my functions.php file like so:


    wp_register_script('scrollsmoother', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/ScrollSmoother.min.js', array(), 1, true);

    Is this the correct way?


    Here's the errors btw:


    ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_getVelocityProp')
        at Function.register (ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10:825)
        at _createPlugin (gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40546)
        at gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40564
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at Object.registerPlugin (gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40069)
        at ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10:8984
        at ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10:140
        at ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10:175
    register @ ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10
    _createPlugin @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    registerPlugin @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10
    ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_getVelocityProp')
        at Function.register (ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10:825)
        at _createPlugin (gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40546)
        at gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40564
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at Object.registerPlugin (gsap.min.js?ver=1:10:40069)
        at animation.js?ver=1:8:6
    register @ ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=1:10
    _createPlugin @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    registerPlugin @ gsap.min.js?ver=1:10
    (anonymous) @ animation.js?ver=1:8


  6. Thanks, yes that's right. How do I revert back to the original state after the end of the trigger? Ideally I want to change the opacity only while the a tag is in the center of the screen.

  7. Hi guys


    I'm trying to run a simple opacity animation on each element with the class .recipe-link using scrolltrigger but something isn't working. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be really grateful. Apologies if this is me missing something totally obvious - I'm a js novice.


    Many thanks.

    See the Pen WNJrrdg?editors=0010 by jloafs-DM (@jloafs-DM) on CodePen

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