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Posts posted by nss5161

  1. Hi, thanks for the quick response. It could be a logic based solution, I guess. My question has to do with GSAP Draggable. When I drag an item that is deemed "draggable" by a given class, then I modify the size of the item (using GSAP timelines), the item slips away from my drag (transform and cursor are not aligned show in Codepen above). I was wondering if there was a quick fix for this that I was missing, or if this was a common issue with Draggable and Animations? Hope that clears my original question up. If not, I'll try my best to clear it further.



  2. Hi There,


    I am having trouble getting the transform origins to line up. I know the issue involves the items having a relative position and I have already tried adjusting the transform origin based on the values of drag, but had no such luck. Still new to GSAP and would love some guidance.


    If I didn't describe the issue well enough, just ask questions. I'll answer ASAP.





    See the Pen PoWRzYx?editors=0010 by nss5161 (@nss5161) on CodePen

  3. Hi Forum!


    In this pen example, I have created two timelines that are to loop infinitely. One timeline controls the shape morph and opacity of the flame, and the other timeline is to control the eye movement.


    Focusing on the Issue... In the second timeline (Scene2: The eyes), the "tl2.to" function calls the custom function "getRandomValues(min, max)" that I have created below. When I console log a test value in the function call, I am seeing a duplicate value every call. You can replicate this issue by opening the console log in your browser or in CodePen depending on your preference. I have altered the function and the timeline criteria with no attempt to fix the issue. Can you please assist me with this issue?


    Please ask questions if I have not explained well! I will reply as soon as possible.


    tl2.to(".pupil", {
      duration: 0.1,
      ease: "linear",
      x: function(){
        return getRandomValue(-2, 2);
    function getRandomValue(min, max) {
      return (Math.random() * (max - min) + min).toFixed(1);


    See the Pen oNYQZzV?editors=1010 by nss5161 (@nss5161) on CodePen

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