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Posts posted by alexxgriffon

  1. 19 minutes ago, iDad5 said:

    Like so:









    (The solution wit background-attachment:fixed and flex-box is clever and impressive, but as fixed always refers to the viewport it might need other solutions...)

    No) the card itself, not the image on it

  2. 7 hours ago, iDad5 said:

    Hi @alexxgriffon,


    I'm in the same boat with Jack, not really sure what it is you want us to help with. When I looked at your CodePen though i found that gsap wasn't loaded, so It's no wonder that your spans aren't animated. 


    When you include it something happens - I'm not sure though if it is what you intended.


    As I've seen your 'impossible project' - question I recognized the lots of empty spans and I guess those questions are related?
    I really don't mean to criticize and I can be totally wrong in my assessment of your situation -it certainly seem that things get lost in translation sometimes - but I have the impression that you try to build super cool effects by combining cool effects you found somewhere else. As you your self sounded skeptical of your abilities in the other thread I guess that you are challenging yourself rather hard right now. Playing around with complex and stuff can help you a lot to learn things, but sometimes its easier to reduce complexity and take smaller steps.




    Well.. I just tried to split the card into blocks and apply animation to it. I thought if i could make an animated picture I could do the same with such an object as this card. From the very beginning it was clear that I needed more knowledge to implement this. Your pieces of advice were very useful and I’ll try to fix it

  3. well)
    here is a great card with nice hover effect.

    The questionwhat I have to specify for span properties in the css section instead of background: url
    that gsap script would apply animation just to the entire card?

    I will clarify that I am not trying to place any image on the card.

    I decided to put vanilla script in html block
    but at this stage I would like to understand how possible this method of animation is and without vanilla script.

    i hope the translator didn't  fail me  this time)))

    See the Pen wvgwwwX by generalgrifon (@generalgrifon) on CodePen

  4. 9 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    Hi @alexxgriffon. I wasn't quite sure what you were looking for here - did you have a GSAP-specific question we can help you with? Or were you asking someone to build what you described? We'd be happy to answer any GSAP-specific questions but we don't have the resources to provide free consulting services for building projects to spec. 


    Good luck with the project, though. It looks like it could be a cool effect. 


    Thank you, sire)

    In the description of the project I listed
    purposes that I set for myself)

    At the moment I am looking for information about other parameters except scale and opacity I can apply in gsap JS section. I would like to give the block a rotation like:
    transform: rotateX(180deg);

  5. 1 hour ago, akapowl said:


    Hey @alexxgriffon


    That error is codepen specific and only tells you to not put anything but what's between your <body></body> tags in the HTML section of codepen - the body element itself is okay too, I suppose.


    If you want to include external scripts, often times instead of including them at the end of your body it can be more conveniant to use the java-script options (which can be found when clicking the gear-icon in the upper-left corner of the js-section). There you'll also find a nifty search-bar where you can easily search for all GSAP tools (and others if you like).


    On a different note:

    The way you are trying to access the background-image in your tween won't work.

    You would have to address the HTML element that has the background-image attached.





    Hope this helps - welcome to the forums.

    i feel happy) 

  6. On 3/19/2021 at 4:14 AM, Carl said:

    Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums.


    It should be TweenMax.staggerFrom() lowercase s.


    However, TweenMax is from an old version of GSAP and is not longer recommended. If you are just starting it is best to start with GSAP 3 (latest version).


    This demo shows the proper way to stagger (hit the rerun button if you miss it).





    Check out the free course in my signature, I think it will help you greatly. It covers staggers and all the basics in great detail.



    Thank you very much!)
    I think I fixed most of the bugs)
    there is one error I have not met before: Just HTML that goes in the <body> goes here

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