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Posts posted by brianr

  1. Hi Carl, thanks for the quick response!


    Your suggestion is essentially what I've done at this point (option 2). Now that I've removed the DisplayObjectContainer and turned mediaContainer back to a Sprite, it doesn't throw the error any more but still doesn't seem to be adding the loaded swf to the container as when I change the x, y, coords of the container, the swf doesn't move accordingly. Also I put a trace statement after the loader and it shows that mediaContainer has 0 children.


    public var mediaContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();

    	public function LoaderMax_subload_parent():void {
    		var subloadSWFpath:String = menuXML.slide[slideIndex].mediaPath;
    		var swfScale:Number = menuXML.slide[slideIndex].mediaPath.@scale;
    		trace("swfScale = " + swfScale);
    		_swfLoader = new SWFLoader(subloadSWFpath, 
    								   {	container:mediaContainer,
    								   		scaleX:swfScale, scaleY:swfScale,
    		trace("mediaContainer children = " + mediaContainer.numChildren);


    	private function _completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
    		//add the SWFLoader's content to the stage

  2. I'm using SWFLoader to load a swf and want to load it into a container. According to the API Documentation, i can use:

    container : DisplayObjectContainer - A DisplayObjectContainer into which the content Sprite should be added immediately.

    When I try and do this I get Error #2012: DisplayObjectContainer$ class cannot be instantiated. So I use the import statement as follows:

    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;

    but still same thing. When I googled the error it came up with info about it being an abstract class and the remedy would be to use

    extends DisplayObjectContainer

    but I need mine to be

     extends MovieClip

    . I tried extending sprite but that threw a frame error, so it needs to be movieclip. What else can I do?

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