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  1. Hi, heres the link of the project. I've used the context and useLayoutEffect. I've created a video clip of the issue. In the clip, I showed that there is a background transition when in Strict Mode but when I removed the Strict Mode, the background transition doesn't work. Unfortunately, I can't simulate the build process in codesandbox. However, by removing the strict mode also shows the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VaGVvItGKm3DkziB_IzEYO1be87wbH6o/view?usp=sharing
  2. Unfortunately, it still don't work. As you may see in the condesandbox, it works fine but when I build the project it won't work. When you scroll on the design section you will see the background changing to black, and that right there does not work when I build it. EDIT. You can remove the Strictmode in main.tsx to reproduce the error. I hope anyone can help me. Thank you in advance.
  3. I'm sorry about that, heres the link on codesandbox. So, in src/layouts/Home.layouts/Designs.layouts the Design.layout.tsx file in line 58. That specific block of code doesn't work when I build with vite. Here is the image of that block of code.
  4. HI, can someone help me out. I've been debugging this issue for a week now and I don't know how to resolve this. So, in development it works fine but in production when I build the project, some gsap animation doesn't work. The file i am debugging is the Designs.layouts.tsx file. You can refer in this link, https://codesandbox.io/p/github/iAmWayneBenedict/portfolio/master?file=/src/layouts/Home.layouts/Designs.layouts/Designs.layout.tsx:1,1&workspaceId=3c802c73-2725-4792-96c6-3433e1fb3c72 on line 58. Thanks a lot.
  5. Is it possible to animate an element's height from the top (0px) to the center of the screen and stay centered while scrolling until it reaches the parent element's height? I think I'm doing it right but the line doesn't seem to work out. I'm thinking when the line reaches the circles, the circles would animate. here's the codepen link. https://codepen.io/iamwayne/pen/abjjNWm thanks
  6. How do I animate the circles one at a time? Im using react, the circles works just perfectly fine but the content animates at the same time and not based on the scroll. **You can scroll to view the content
  7. iAmWayne

    Gsap error

    I followed the video but I get this
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