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Posts posted by ZORGOBORGO

  1. Hi Jack, thank you for your detailed response! I understand the first part - It did cross my mind, but I thought that when I kill the timeline its progress resets and should start from 0.


    I'm completely new to react, so I might be very wrong, but I thought GSAP stores the the object values on page (component) load. The demo linked is simplified to illustrate the particular issue I encountered. The actual component is based on animating the same set of objects between 3 end states (each has an entrance tween, a looped (repeat:-1) timeline and an exit tween.  


    I figured the best way to get current object starting values is to create a timeline inside the event handler so that the B or C timelines can animate from where the object is on the A timeline.


    Am I making any sense, or am I just deranged? Been sitting on this for way too long.

  2. Hi, I'm trying to have an object spin endlessly at the end of a timeline. Right now it's just a 360 rotation - I figured that it'd be best to add a class with a css animation at this point in the timeline, but I can't seem to get it to work. The only reference I found in the docs was className: '+=active', but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. 


    Thanks in advance!

    See the Pen QWpKoPJ by marekmarek (@marekmarek) on CodePen

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