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Posts posted by DenisLeclair

  1. Hi,


    I would like to know how can I execute a timeline just before the page change.


    For example, when I navigate (click on About page) I have a basic component. When I mount my component, I have an effect on title :


      <div class="container">
        <h1 class="title">Test</h1>
    import gsap from 'gsap'
    export default {
      mounted() {
        const tl = gsap.timeline()
        tl.from('.title', { y: 20, opacity: 0, ease: 'linear' })
      destroyed() {
        const tl2 = gsap.timeline()
        tl2.to('.title', { duration: 10, scale: 2, ease: 'linear' })


    When I change my page with vue-router (click on other link, "/"), my component (about) is destroyed and I want to play the timeline before the change of page (before the destroy).


    I try to include a second timeline in destroyed (and beforeDestroy) function, but the page change directly without the animation of timeline (tl2).


    I would like to wait (10 seconds) that my title has a scale on 2, and after change the page. I would like to execute a function before the change of route.


    Thank you for your help !

  2. Thank you for your answer !


    I read the document Common ScrollTrigger Mistakes, I follow your recommandation and I tried without timeline, but I have the same problem :


    import ScrollTrigger from './ScrollTrigger'
    //const tl1 = gsap.timeline();
    gsap.to('.cube.red', {
        duration:2, y:100, ease:"linear",
        scrollTrigger: {
    gsap.to('.cube.blue', {
        duration:1, y:100, ease:"linear",
        scrollTrigger: {


    When I comment scrub:0 I show the correct animation, with duration. But I can control with the scroll. If I uncomment scrub:0, I can use the scroll, but I lost the duration... 😕

  3. I use GSAP 3.6.0 and I would like to know how can I create a duration on my elements.


    I have two cube, red and blue :

        import gsap from './gsap'
        import ScrollTrigger from './ScrollTrigger'
        const tl1 = gsap.timeline();
        tl1.to('.cube.red', {
            duration:2, y:100, ease:"linear",
            scrollTrigger: {
                start: "0",
                pin: "#intro",
                //end: '+=1',
        tl1.to('.cube.blue', {
            duration:1, y:100, ease:"linear",
            scrollTrigger: {
                start: "0",
                pin: "#intro",
                //end: '+=4',

    When I scroll, the red cube and the blue cube move together. But I set a different duration.
    The red cube has a duration equal 2, and the blue cube has a duration equal 1.

    When I scroll, the red cube must move less quickly, but the two cubes move at the same speed...

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