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Posts posted by cbert

  1. Thanks for the quick response, that is truly amazing speed :-).


    I tried to replace your file with the /node_modules/gsap/dist/Draggable.min.js and also then tried to replace the non-minified version.

    Not sure if that's the way to do it, though?


    Both lead to the same behaviour as before (meaning click event was fired).

    I also tried to switch to x, y and as far as I can tell I had the same issue.


    Please let me know if I can help with other testing scenarios!


  2. Hi there,


    I'm using Draggable with inertia true. The onClick event gets triggered every second time I drag an element (more than 3 pixels), which I thought it should not.

    With inertia false, it works as expected -> onClick only gets fired if element has not moved more than 3 pixels.


    Do you see if I do anything wrong here? The example here can't load inertia plugin, but you see my code:



    Thanks in advance and best regards,




    PS: Does anyone know how to run svelte on CodePen?



  3.  Hi there, 


    I'm brand new to gsap, so far I must say, great quality and documentation!


    Nevertheless, I'm currently stuck with the following issue:

    I have a pannable and zoomable container (=> transformed container) inside which I move elements around via gsap draggable.

    To add new elements I'd like to point the pointer to an area inside this container and then add the element in that place.


    So far, I couldn't find a way to get similar properties as I get with pointerX or pointerY that are relative to the transformed container.

    Is there any way I could use gsap to get this?


    I hope it's clear what I'd like to achieve 😀 Thanks in advance!


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