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Posts posted by tfleming

  1. @ZachSaucier Thank you  a ton. This helped alot! Im running into one small issue. I included my codepen for it (Open the Codepen in full screen to see what is happening)

    See the Pen KKNNvmz by tyler-fleming (@tyler-fleming) on CodePen

    The Hero is now pinned and the green box is moving up. My only issue is now the content below is also being pushed down and moving with the green box. The content below should not be moving, only the green box should be moving into the hero until it hits the end point.

    Ive tried adding the #contentContainer to a different container but that isnt working either.

    Is there a way to make sure only the green container is moving with the scroll?

    Thanks again for the help!!

  2. Here is a Figma design of what I'm looking for.

    Figma Design

    For this design I'm looking to take over the users scroll and slide a div container up. Once the div container hits the end trigger the page scrolls normal. The page is essentially fixed in the background until that div hits the end trigger.

    Im looking for any examples or quick mock ups of something similar to work off. Any help is greatly appreciated. 




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