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Posts posted by Baxter85

  1. After a bit i made it work in the way i wanted. Now i can set the duration i want and based on that i can speed up or slow down the animation and also control it through gsap if i need to bind it to a input range for debugging.


    here the final code in case somebody need it for PIXI:


    const spritesheetTween = (tl, layer, start) => {
      const fw = 300
      const fh = 250
      const cols = Math.floor(layer.spritesheet.width / fw)
      const rows = Math.floor(layer.spritesheet.height / fh)
      let count = 0
      let interval = layer.seconds / layer.frames
      for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++){
        for (let c = 0; c < cols; c++){ 
          if(count < layer.frames) {
            let xpos = -c * fw;
            let ypos = -r * fh;
            tl.set(layer.spritesheet, { pixi: {x: xpos, y: ypos} }, start + count * interval)

    thanks Zach!


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  2. Hi Zach, thanks for the reply.

    For the performance, i meant how heavy is on the gpu having 187 textures created at runtime compared to have one only changing position. I know the GPU is really fast but just a thought to understand which method is more convenient being just a simple banner.

    For the calculation, yes, is what i have done already, maybe i explained it badly (sorry), what i meant is that i used a 0.03 interval just with trial and error, and i would like to know how do i calculate that number in case i have a different a frame rate for the spritesheet ?(unless that inerval number is static since it is based on the fps set on the ticker?).

    In case i have a spritesheet with different fps than 30 for example, the interval need to change (i suppose if not based on the ticker), how do i find that number (interval) without me trying different values?

    I know the length in seconds, fps and total frames of the spritesheet, which formula i can use to calculate that number?

    I'm not a master in Math, so any suggestion to drive me towards the goal is appreciated.



  3. guys an update, i found an example here on the forum made by Carl that animates the background property to move the sprite and i thought to adapt it to my needs with PIXI and it works.


    const playSpritesheet = (tl, layer, start) => {
      const fw = 300
      const fh = 250
      const cols = Math.floor(layer.spritesheet.width / fw)
      const rows = Math.floor(layer.spritesheet.height / fh)
      let count = 0
      let interval = layer.interval
      for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++){
        for (let c = 0; c < cols; c++){ 
          if(count < layer.frames) {
            let xpos = -c * fw;
            let ypos = -r * fh;
            tl.set(layer.spritesheet, { pixi: {x: xpos, y: ypos} }, start + count * interval)

    now i need to understand one thing, my guess is that this approach is more performant since i use 1 texture instead of 187 in my case, but i would like to know your opinion, the second thing is that now i can control it with gsap but i still trying to figure out how i can calculate the interval base on the fps and duration i want to give to the animation. Right now i found that the value 0.03 (which is stored in layer.interval) is a perfect match but i would like to calculate that dynamically based on the duration and fps i want. How the heck i can do that? :D



  4. Hi guys,

    i'm trying to find out how to use gsap in conjunction with Pixi to be able to control a spritesheet through the gsap tick but i'm having difficulties to understand how to make it work.

    Here's how i generate the animatedSprite dynamically from a json feed:

    texture = images[layer.name].texture
    const fw = 300
    const fh = 250
    const sprW = texture.width
    const sprH = texture.height
    const cols = Math.floor(sprW / fw)
    const rows = Math.floor(sprH / fh)
    const totalFrames = layer.frames
    let frameCounter = 0
    const spriteSheetFrames = []
    for(let r=0; r < rows; r++) {
      for(let c=0; c < cols; c++) {
        console.log(c * fw, r * fh)
        if(frameCounter < totalFrames) spriteSheetFrames.push(new PIXI.Texture(texture, new PIXI.Rectangle(c*fw, r*fh, fw, fh)))
    const animation = {}
    animation["sequence"] = spriteSheetFrames
    const spritesheet  = new PIXI.AnimatedSprite(animation.sequence)
    spritesheet.alpha = layer.alpha || 0
    spritesheet.x = layer.x || 0
    spritesheet.y = layer.y || 0
    spritesheet.animationSpeed = layer.speed

    Now, i have a main timeline that run a sequence of animations on different elements, how i can play the AnimatedSprite and control it with gsap? 

    i tried to do something like this:

    tl.to(layer.spritesheet, duration, { onStart: () => layer.spritesheet.play(), onComplete: () => layer.spritesheet.stop() }, start)

    which it works but first is just a hack, second i need to set the duration exactly as the duration of the original animation and third i cannot control it, if i stop the timeline the spritesheet does not stop at all, and that's because i think it does not use the timeline timer.

    Any suggestion?



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