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Posts posted by Dastan

  1. Hi! 

    I've tried to make my navbar change its color when user scrolls into different sections, it works fine. But when i added another Scrolltrigger with pinning in one of my sections ( in section-3 ), navbar changes its color incorrectly, it starts changing color even if the user hasn't scrolled to the next section


    See the Pen YzERvgz by kaiiejijia (@kaiiejijia) on CodePen

  2. 1 hour ago, mikel said:

    Hey @Dastan


    Welcome to the GreenSock Forum.


    My interpretation:

    • scrubbing (0.3) without pinning
    • start: e.g. 200px below the top of viewPort
    • end: e.g. 550px that corresponds to the distance from the first to the third box (if necessary, you can use a function to adapt this to different window heights)
    • onUpdate: you can log the progress. Since the duration of the scrubbed animation is 1, you can position the corresponding 'fade in' animation (CSS: visibility: hidden) analogously to the appropriate progress.
    • once: If this animation should only run once, use once: true




    Happy tweening ...



    oh great, thanks for helping, Mikel! 

  3. 2 hours ago, akapowl said:


    Hey @Dastan


    Your this.disable() throws an error. What you would want to do is probably pass self to that onComplete-callback and then use that for disabling the trigger.


    This thread here discusses something very similar to what you want to achieve and in the answer of mine I linked to, I say some things about the problems/caveats that come with that.






    Based on that here is an example using the onScrubComplete callback






    As for question 2)


    I don't see your attempt in your pen, so I can not tell you much about that. One approach on how to to something like that is covered in this thread here by @mikel




    A similar approach is used in this demo pen






    How about you give it a try, show it to us and we can see how we can help you from there, if you need further assistance?






    Thank You, Paul!

  4. Hi, Everyone!
    i am new at GSAP!
    i had two problems with my animation

    1) the animation of car starts when it is visible, and i made onleave() in order to stop animation on leave, but when i scroll up to go back, it creates 'pin page space' (empty space above), how to solve this problem?
    2) i have different colored boxes, and i want to make them appear when car reaches to its location, i've tried to use timelinemax with opacity, but i think its wrong 

    please help!

    See the Pen zYovXEg by kaiiejijia (@kaiiejijia) on CodePen

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