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  1. Argi's post in Restart and play again animation on state change. (With useEffect) was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for your response, thanks to you i made my code a bit shorter. I saw someone on youtube who is recommending to use both (opacity and autoalpha) for sure, but if you telling me there is no sense - it's even better for me
    Thanks also for advise of using defaults values.
    So if i understand well i need to use fromVars but i dont need to use toVars if i put them to the defaults ?
    Could you explain me how gsap.set works ? Where is the different between that and defaults?
    As i said, my code looks better now but the solution didn't work for me, and it's hard to put the demo (it would take too much time). I figured it out on my own  - the problem was in useEffect dependencies but it's hard to explain without the code

    Could you gave me some example of reseting animation ? What i mean by that:
    For example i have a hamburger menu and it's hide/show on hamburger button click. How to avoid gsap animation collapse if someone would still clicking the hamburger button ? 

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