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Posts posted by evan

  1. Please,

    take a sec too look at my link above (if you haven't)-The text does format. :!:

    I just can't get it to work with a textbox that has allready been created. :?:

    I was not implying it's something inherently wronge with the TransformManager.


    My formatting applies in this example when you apply formatting and THEN click the text button -you will see it works with the NEW textbox not one being diplayed :(


    If there is an easy way to figure out what I did codewise I would like to show you -I spent time trying to figure it out.


    I can post a link to the fla file or a word file with the code, -if it's an easy fix great. :idea:


    If it's a question of time for you -I would like to discuss it if is a question of time for you

  2. See this example of text formatting:



    It works, but I would like it to apply formatting to a the text object in view, rather then the one created next

    (yet to be seen)

    in this case It would be awkward for a user to edit text they can't see yet.


    I have an idea why it does this, -because the object that is being displayed is deselected when I click a button?

    I would like it to work with the text object being displayed is there a way to change that or a good workaround?


    Suggestions welcome

  3. I noticed -at least the way I am going about it that when movieclips are nested inside movieclips -the transformManager doesn't like them.


    What I want to accomplish is to display a gallery in a scrollbar -nest the movies in that scrollbar, and then drag them from the scrollbar and place them in a designated area. (reparenting on stopDrag)


    once placed -I dissable startDrag(); and stopDrag(); and have an event place the movieclip into transformManager -it "doesn't play nicely".


    Either I'm doing it wrong, or is transformManager not set up to work with movieclips inside other movieclips :?:

  4. The reason why I wanted to know about this is -I though that if I dissabled delete with textboxes I could enable delete to remove the whole box -rather than backspace over text.


    If I created a button to remove a text box -would it remove the last one I added or delete selected text boxes.

  5. Is there an easy way to change the keyboard asisgnment of delete.


    Namely I would like to set "delete" to delete text only using backspace as backspace.


    I would also like to disable "backspace" as a delete with shapes and gifs.

  6. --------------------------------Update Delete DOES work, but for me it works only on "ctrl-delete"--wierd any reason why? :?:


    As with my last question, It's simple.


    The AS3 demo seems to work sporadicaly -with delete enabled, it works only after the text box is slected.


    I tried it myself:

    Here is some sample code with delete enabled(using delete key)


    var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets

    //this works

    ,bounds:new Rectangle(0, 0, 550, 365)

    //this works


    //this didn't take






    Any sugestions?

  7. I just wasn't sure about the syntax, that's all , not so much a problem with the class itself.


    I figured it out.


    var myTargets:Array = [];


    function poof(evt:MouseEvent):void


    var ball2:MovieClip = new Ball();

    ball2.x = 50 ;

    ball2.y = 50;



    //array variable name.addItem(object);



    var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets});

  8. mostly, I tried your examples and they work great


    here is what I Ultimately have in mind:


    import gs.transform.*;


    //var inc:uint = 0;

    var ball:MovieClip = new Ball();




    var myTargets:Array = [];

    //create Sprite here and draw a rectangle with the drawing API, then...

    function poof(evt:MouseEvent):void



    var ball:MovieClip = new Ball();

    //ball.x = 100 + inc * 10;

    //ball.y = 300 - inc * 10;

    ball.x = 300 ;

    ball.y = 300 ;


    //addChildAt(ball, 0);





    //var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets});







    var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets});


    I want to use an event handler to draw either an api or place a sprite(the same way a user would draw many circles or squares) in the array and, hopefully TransformManager would be able to work with them.

  9. Can this be used in some way:

    - addItems(targetObjects:Array, vars:Object):Array

    to place this sprite


    var rect:Sprite=new Sprite();









    or movieclip

    var squareshape:MovieClip=new Squareshape();






    var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[square1, square2,text}]


    The idea is to add and remove items from the array of items to be controlled by the TransformManager

  10. This class is great! :D


    I just noticed that if text is permitted to rotate, then the box remains, but the text inside diassapears. This is not critical to my project(I could just dissable rotate for textboxes fo rthe time being)but I just wanted to mention if it has not been brought up.

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