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Posts posted by Amit

  1. hi,


    Thanks for the fast reply, unfortunately neither helped.. a couple of things I noticed though: this.root is not acceptable when declared in the top of the class, and instantiating LoaderMax at the top (outside of any function), private or public, doesn't even start the load..


    Thanks anyhow!

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for this great utility and for the time spent in creating it!


    I'm working on a project which has 3 swf, first swf_1 is a traditional preloader (not using loaderMax) which loads in swf_2, swf_2 shows some content (video, text again not using loaderMax) and ui and than when the user clicks some button I'm starting to load swf_3 USING SWFLoader.


    swf_3, in itself, loads some xml (not using loaderMax), parses this xml and than creates a new LoaderMax and appends 100 (roughly) mp3 to it using requireWithRoot:this.root, my problem is that the progress is not shown on swf_2 and the SWFLoader on swf_2 doesn't seem to take in account the weight of the mp3 assets in swf_3.


    I looked around and: tracing this.root from inside swf_3 gives me swf_3 as an object (should it bring back swf_2 to work?), I'm also using estimatedBytes:10067434 in SWFLoader (which is in swf_2).


    Its worth noting that this is an ActionScript 3 project built in Flash builder, so I don't have frames, code outside of classes etc.


    This is what's happening in swf_2:

    //this is inside a class
    private function skipVideo(event:MouseEvent):void{
    		//start the load
    		_swfLoader = new SWFLoader("../../ProjectName/Deploy/App.swf",
    			{ x:0, y:0,  estimatedBytes:10067434, onComplete:_completeHandler } );
    		_progressDisplay = new ProgressCircleLite({radius:26, thickness:4, trackColor:0xFFFFFF, trackAlpha:0.25, trackThickness:4, autoTransition:false, smoothProgress:0});
    		_progressDisplay.mouseEnabled = false;
    		_progressDisplay.x = 69;
    		_progressDisplay.y = 389;
    		_swfLoader.vars.integrateProgress = true;
    	private function _completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
    		//add the SWFLoader's content to the stage
    		addChildAt(event.target.content, 0);


    And this is what's happening in swf_3 (the loaded swf, which is also called App.swf in the above code):

    //this is inside a class
    private var xml:XML;
    private var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax();
    public function App() {
    		this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
    	private function init(event:Event):void{
    		this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
    	private function loadXML():void{
    		var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    		loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeLoadingXML);
    		loader.load(new URLRequest("assets/assets.xml"));
    	private function completeLoadingXML(event:Event):void {
    		//parse XML
    		var result:XML = new XML(event.target.data);
    		queue.vars = { name:"childQueue",
    						onChildComplete:_childCompleteHandler };
    		for ( var i:int = 0; i < result.instrument.length(); i++ ) {
    			queue.append( new MP3Loader( result.instrument[i].toString(),
    				{ name: result.instrument[i].@type.toString() + result.instrument[i].@chord.toString(),
    				  volume: result.instrument[i].@volume,
    				  requireWithRoot: this.root,
    				  noCache: true,
    				  autoPlay:false } ) );



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