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Posts posted by CreativeSoul

  1. 10 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey CreativeSoul and welcome to the GreenSock forums.


    I don't understand what you're saying here. Do you mean when the page loads your elements are visible? If so, that has nothing to do with GSAP specifically. It's because the elements are visible until the JS runs. That's called a flash of unstyled content which we have a video about fixing. Another alternative is to include some JS in the <head> before you content to hide things then have your more full JS afterwards.


    Are you saying that you think that GSAP is doing something wrong? If so, please make a minimal demo of the issue using something like CodePen so we can fix any issues that exist. If you're just saying the effect doesn't look good to you, making better looking animations comes with practice :) 

    Hi and thanks again.

    Yes, the FOUC is the problem. 

    Here is the code for the original problem:

    See the Pen ZEpNEJK by stefan-hilbert (@stefan-hilbert) on CodePen

    Then i tried to fix it with help from the video, but then nothing happens: 

    See the Pen wvzbvev by stefan-hilbert (@stefan-hilbert) on CodePen

    What am I doing wrong here? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey CreativeSoul and welcome to the GreenSock forums.


    I don't understand what you're saying here. Do you mean when the page loads your elements are visible? If so, that has nothing to do with GSAP specifically. It's because the elements are visible until the JS runs. That's called a flash of unstyled content which we have a video about fixing. Another alternative is to include some JS in the <head> before you content to hide things then have your more full JS afterwards.


    Are you saying that you think that GSAP is doing something wrong? If so, please make a minimal demo of the issue using something like CodePen so we can fix any issues that exist. If you're just saying the effect doesn't look good to you, making better looking animations comes with practice :) 

    Hi! Thanks for very quick reply! 

    No the GSAP looks amazing! But yes, you was understanding it correctly. It loads and display the things before the animation starts. 
    Therefore I think it looks awful - the animation itself looks great. Work as i wanted to. 

    I'll give the video a look and hope it can help me! Thanks again. 

  3. Hi, 

    I am fairly new to GSAP and do my own code in general, so this might be a newbie question. 

    Nonetheless, i can not figure this out myself. I'm using this little lines of code: 


    var tl = gsap.timeline();
    tl.from('.anime1', {opacity: 0, duration: 1, y: -50, stagger: 0.6})


    It all works, but the thing is when I load the page all my animations will be showed. Then it will disappear and then start the animation (which looks awful tbh) 

    I would attach full code, but this is on WP so i can't. 

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