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  1. @ZachSaucier and @akapowl thanks for your suggestions! I have managed to do it in another way, with a separate scroller. See the following CodePen: https://codepen.io/edskeizer/pen/jOMKNwJ Probably, this is not exactly the way how it should be used. And clickable elements within the .background div do not work (yet).
  2. Hi @ZachSaucier, Thanks for your reply. I'm currently using Brave Browser on Mac OS X. When I open the CodePen in a separate tab, I can see glitches in positioning the sections, like so: https://www.loom.com/share/e4c6d886db9c49c7923fca7971c01079 Maybe I am not using the right approach for this?
  3. Hi, I am trying to adjust the ScrollTrigger horizontal scrolling example. I do not want to have the window as the scrolling container, but my .wrapper instead. The project in the mentioned codepen works, but as you can see, the content is all bouncy and laggy (especially when viewed on Codepen itself). What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
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