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Posts posted by FlexIncubator

  1. OK, some things first:

    1) I am testing locally (on local server, not just running the app from some folder), and the issue occurs just like described.

    2) The issue does not occur if running the same app from remote server

    3) Still, I am not sure why setting this static property will make the app work or not work when running locally

    4) following code is flex based, but guess you can easily make it pure flash if you need. Just uncomment corresponding lines for testing.

    5) Why does "trace(queue.auditedSize)" returns true even when defaultAuditSize is set to false?

    6) i did some test - put the line break inside the _load function of DisplayObjectLoader, trying to find what is the actual context supplied to the loader. It was null in both cases - when defaultAuditSize was set to false, or was not set at all.

    7) The project was started several month ago, so I am using the version which I had that time. The LoaderMax version is 1.831


    Here is the code


                  xmlns:local="*" creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)">

  2. OK, I have found and fixed the issue.

    When setting auditSize to false, you also need to explicitly set LoaderContext to check policy file. So, adding following code will fix the issue.

    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
               context.checkPolicyFile = true;
               context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
               LoaderMax.defaultContext = context;


    Jack, I still believe it will be great to put all this info into the docs. Personally, i feel that it's very frustrating when you have noCache property, which is pretty self-explanatory, you set it to false, and it change nothing. Putting the description of such possible case (that you may need to set auditSize to false and define LoaderContext) may save some time for others. Having this info inside docs is nice, because I believe most of the people tries to find the answer there first, and only after that go to forum.


    Kind regards,


  3. Hello, Jack.

    Actually, I have just the same issue. Unfortunately, I can not post code here, because this is closed project, but I will try to explain all in details. I have some loading factory, which uses LoaderMax and ImageLoader as items of LoaderMax queue. Everything is pretty easy - I have one loading queue (Loadermax), and adding ImageLoader instances into it. First of all, from what I understand noCache property is set to true for ImageLoader by default, which is a little bit strange at least for me, because you typically want images to be cached by the browser and not reloaded each time. In my case, it caused each image to load 2 times (I am really not sure why, this is something I see in FireBug, this double loading, and I definitely adding only one instance of particular ImageLoader per one image. Maybe, it interfere somehow with the fact, that i do no have direct urls of images - meaning that the urls does not represent direct location of image on the server. The urls are dynamic, consisting of base url and image id, and the server returns correct image based on the id). Anyway, setting noCache property to false to each ImageLoader instance does not remove gsCacheBuster part from the final url. The final url also contains purpose=audit part, and this is related to auditSize property of the LoaderMax. Setting defaultAuditSize static property of LoaderMax to false removes both gsCacheBuster and purpose=audit parts from final url, making this url just what I wanted. However, this caused another issues. For some reasons, crossdomain policy file is not loaded anymore (again, this can be "fixed" just by not setting defaultAuditSize to false), and the rawContent property of the ImageLoder becomes of type Loader instead of Bitmap. Also, not sure whether this may be important or not, the images are loaded from https, not http. But anyway, it's a little bit weird that setting or not setting defaultAuditSize influence all this stuff.



  4. Hello.


    I am trying to load multiple images from domains which do not have crossdomain policy file. As long as I do not need to modify loaded images, it should work for me. ImageLoader checks policy file by default, thus I have to specify not to do it. If we take just one ImageLoader object, then everything works as expected (I am specifying context var for ImageLoader):


    var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
    loaderContext.checkPolicyFile = false;


    However, i can not make it work with LoaderMax. I am trying to specify my LoaderContext in 2 places, first in:

    LoaderMax.defaultContext = loaderContext;


    second by setting context var for each ImageLoader in for loop (where I am creating ImageLoader instances).


    I got a lot of security errors in console when debugging, plus all contexts are null in all ImageLoaders.


    Could you please clarify whether I miss something and why separate ImageLoader works while LoaderMax does not.


    Thanks for help in advance,



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