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Posts posted by dragoon

  1. Hi all,

    I am animating some object that I generated myself in PIXI.JS via GSAP.

    However, I notice it is very slow on Raspberry PI and does not even depend on the number objects (in the range 1-50). As soon as I animate even a single object, the FPS rate on Raspberry PI drops to ~30. It also doesn't depend whether I am using ParticleContainer or not.

    I feel like I overlooked something, but can't figure it out.

    See the Pen OJvRVyJ by rprokofyev (@rprokofyev) on CodePen

  2. Hello,

    I would like to have 2 animations that start at the same time, one with a fixed duration and another is an infinite yoyo animation. I would like to stop yoyo animation when the first animation is complete.

    Here is my current code:


    gsap.fromTo(flake, {x: x, y: y}, {
                duration: fall_duration,
                y: endY,
                onComplete: this.onSnowEnd.bind(this),
                onCompleteParams: [flake],
                ease: Power0.easeIn
    gsap.to(flake, {duration: 3, x: x + (Math.random() * 150 - 75), repeat: -1, yoyo: true, ease: Power1.easeInOut});

    I would like to stop yoyo as soon as the first animation is complete. 

  3. Hello,

    I've been trying to migrate some old animated weather codepen from TweenMax to GSAP 3 and everything works except for the Bezier animation.

    I've prepared a codepen, where you can click on the wind icon, and you can see that it completely crashes the browser tab (I'm using Chrome).

    In the old TweenMax code, it was animating leafs in SVG.

    Would appreciate any pointers.

    See the Pen XWjVxrM by rprokofyev (@rprokofyev) on CodePen

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