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Posts posted by cristina

  1. It sounds like there might be some confusion about progressive downloads vs. streaming downloads (like YouTube). The reason YouTube is so quick to jump to a later spot in the video (before it even loads) is because it uses a completely different technology that requires a special server setup and server-side software (which can be pricey). Streaming technology essentially allows it to jump to any spot and just shoot a request to the server like "hey, just start me at 5:12 into the video and forget loading all the stuff before that..."


    It was a mistake on my part to assume we were streaming, I assumed that buffering was somewhat related to streaming, but now I recall that in college we setup a streaming server and It was a specific technology altogether. Thank you very much for this enlightening answer :)

  2. Hello and thank you so much for the most useful AS3 Library I've ever used!


    I'm currently using a VideoLoader to playback external MP4 on a client website. I've set bufferMode=true and all goes well on short videos. However, on larger videos (about 100MB) when I try to seek the video immediately after the first bufferFull event:

    - bufferEmpty is displached properly

    - I display a 0% buffer progress info and wait for buffer progress

    - It stays at 0% for about 20 seconds! -> My problem

    - It then starts to show progress and quickly gets to 100%

    - bufferFull is dispached, all is good.


    I can't quite explain to my client why does this happen on our website and it doesn't happen on youtube. On youtube it starts re-buffering immediately after seeking to a further frame :(


    I'll post the essential parts of my code and I hope you can give me some insight on this subject, thank you very much in advance.


    Here is how initialize the loader:


    // Estimated Bytes are provided on each video
      video = new VideoLoader(url, {container:this, x:bkg.x, y:bkg.y, width:bkg.width, height:bkg.height, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoPlay:false, volume:1, auditSize:false, estimatedBytes:this.estimatedBytes, bufferMode:true, onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler});
      video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress);
      video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, videoComplete);
      video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_EMPTY, bufferEmptyHandler);
      video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, bufferFullHandler);
      video.content.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, toogleFullScreenMode);


    Here are the listener functions:


    public function progressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void
      // custom code to display progress text
     public function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void
      // custom code to hide buffer progress text
     public function errorHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void
      trace("error occured with " + event.target + ": " + event.text);
     public function bufferEmptyHandler(evt:LoaderEvent):void
      // custom code to show buffer progress text, starting with "0%"
      addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reportBufferProgress);
     public function bufferFullHandler(evt:LoaderEvent):void
      removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reportBufferProgress);
     public function reportBufferProgress(evt:Event):void
    // ISSUE: it stays at 0% for about 20 seconds on large movies and then evolves super fast to 100%
    trace("buffer progress:",video.bufferProgress);
     public function updatePlayProgress(evt:LoaderEvent=null)
      // custom code to show play progress bar
     public function videoComplete(evt:LoaderEvent=null)
      // custom code for when the video is done playing

  3. Hello,


    I'm currently working on an application with various menus which have an opening animation. I've created a timeline for each menu. To open the menu, I play() the timeline. To close the menu, I reverse() it. This worked on multiple cases, but I've been stuck with a menu which plays much slowly on reverse, even though I have stated "useFrames:true" and "ease:Linear.easeNone". I'll paste the code bellow:


    var endframe : int = mc.totalFrames-1;

    var duration : int = mc.totalFrames-1;

    var tween : TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc, duration, {useFrames:true, frame:endframe, ease:Linear.easeNone});

    var timeline : TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true, useFrames:true});



    function OpenMenu(evt:MouseEvent)





    function CloseMenu(evt:MouseEvent)





    RESULT: the menu closes in slow motion, as if something was wrong, delaying the whole process. However, I've accomplished this successfully before. What am I missing here..?


    Thank you in advance..!

  4. Hello,


    I'm currently working on an application with various menus which have an opening animation. I've created a timeline for each menu. To open the menu, I play() the timeline. To close the menu, I reverse() it. This worked on multiple cases, but I've been stuck with a menu which plays much slowly on reverse, even though I have stated "useFrames:true" and "ease:Linear.easeNone". I'll paste the code bellow:


    var endframe : int = base.totalFrames-1;

    var duration : int = base.totalFrames-1;

    var tween : TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc, duration, {useFrames:true, frame:endframe, ease:Linear.easeNone});

    var timeline : TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true, useFrames:true});



    function OpenMenu(evt:MouseEvent)





    function CloseMenu(evt:MouseEvent)





    RESULT: the menu closes in slow motion, as if something was wrong, delaying the whole process. However, I've accomplished this successfully before. What am I missing here..?


    Thank you in advance..!

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