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Posts posted by Leo-designer

  1. 1 hour ago, ZachSaucier said:

    but that should be a good proof of concept

    Yep, it really is, i will work from this. Thank you very much.


    1 hour ago, ZachSaucier said:

    That's very unconventional

    What can I say, :) I think this kind of crazy ideas could end in a great result... :D thanks to you again! 


    Have a nice day BTW

  2. @ZachSaucier When you drag an object,  let's say from 0 - 100, and stop moving the mouse in 50, but without releasing it, (mouse down event still present)... how can I achieve that the dots receive an decelerating effect before reaching the final position? an ease effect? maybe an elastic or a bouncing effect?


    Its very hard for me to explain this in english, as isn't my mother language, so I'm very sorry for that.

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

  3. Uff niiiice, you guys are from other world! That's exactly what I tried to achieve.


    Understood about the fork button, I completely miss that part, my bad.




    Side note: If you're going to use ES6 (like const/let) you m...

    And yep, thats the next step, among other details, but this part was keeping me not sleeping well for 5 days until now, just thinking how to solve this. Fortunately it was not wasted time, because i found so many features of GSAP that's really will power up next projects.


    Once again, thanks for your time.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi @ZachSaucier, thanks for your response. Sorry for not to be more specific.


    The points, think i should called colored dots, anyway, will be this ones




    and "snap" to the center of the curved line, (the path).

    For instance, here, the nearest dot will be the red one, and i want to move it to the red line, when i finish dragging.




    In this case will be the green one



    and so on...


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