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Posts posted by Delarge

  1. Thank you akapowl, both solutions solve my issue.


    The first is clean but the second was how I was thinking of it, but I was doing a 2nd timeline instead of just a 2nd tween and also missing the positon parameter if I remember right.


    And yes, I will make any furture pens forkable, I didn't notice the private setting was on, thanks.


    For me, GSAP is something I won't need to use for a while, then suddenly a project needs it and you're back in it - bang! Whilst it is easy to pick back up again, some of the basics get rusty.


    Thanks again!


    • Like 1
  2.  Hi, this has been driving me a little bit mad as it seems so simple, I get so close, but I think I'm just one line or setting away.


    The codepen demo best shows where I'm at.


    For each circle I need to go, scale up, scale down, stagger each one, stop at the end, wait for 1 second, do it all again.

    My codepen is almost there, just doesn't scale them back down.


    I've tried nested timelines to handle the grow and shrink, yoyo in various places - which isn't quite right as it pauses after each play/direction.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks so much!

    See the Pen 64ed03293b8eabbdb7ecd44621132395 by delarge (@delarge) on CodePen

  3. Hi, is it possible to get the ScrollTrigger offscreen reset technique (good demo on another post) working with scrub?


    My code, which almost works, is:


    const anim_supersonic_image_1 = gsap.from("#supersonic-image-1", {
     x: 80,  
      ease: "back(1)",
      paused: true,
      scale: 1.1,
      perspective: 250,
      rotateX: -15,
      rotateY: 30,
    const play_anim_supersonic_image_1 = ScrollTrigger.create({
       trigger: "#supersonic-image-1",
        scrub: 1, // <---- BEING IGNORED
        start:"top 70%",
      onEnter: () => anim_supersonic_image_1.play()
    const reset_anim_supersonic_image_1 = ScrollTrigger.create({
      onLeaveBack: () => anim_supersonic_image_1.pause(0)


    See my note about 'BEING IGNORED'?

    Where am I going wrong here?


    Many thanks!


  4. Firstly, apologies if this has already been asked, I tried to find previous posts but suspect I wasn't looking for quite the correct terms.


    I have a loooong page using a mixture of regular ScrollTrigger animations + timelines - but I also have a fixed menu at the side that jumps you down to various anchor linked sections.


    So if someone starts the page and clicks the link to #section-5, can I stop all the animations on the way from the top to bottom from firing?


    Many thanks!


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